Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm officially unemployed

Well what can I say I have been layed off no more working for Kay Jay Print. I feel lost not getting up in the morning and driving to North Yorkshire. Getting there for 8.30 but what am I to do other than get busy with that CV. There's never a good time but lately statistics say it harder to get work than its ever been. But there no point getting down in the mouth yu just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start again.

Anyone looking for any design work out there contact me on:

anything will do what ever job small or large turn things round prety quick as well.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Workshop Idea

Well its Monday the 2nd August in this year 2010. Always wanted to put that sounds like one of those apocolyptical films that you watch set in the future. Anyway this weekend was an odd one in terms of ideas and the like. Did some design work at home and got some more work to do today, well tonight of my own. Had a really good chat on saturday with a web designer who works next door to my fiancee and we both thought about maybe putting together a saturday morning workshop for all those amateur photographers out there who are using photoshop. Or better still giving people an insight into photoshop seeing as I think i'm pretty clued up with the software. Its something I think people will be interested in learning. There is even where my fiancee has her shop, there is a room that can be hired by the hour for such a thing. Not got back to us about a price as yet but i'm sure they will let us know asap seeing as its empty at the minute and has been since its completion. So watch this space, obviously there is a lot of things to go through the most important being what are we going to show and for how long. My first thought would be a possible 10 week course maybe Basic, Advance and Intermediate. Each course would be put on a USB with the appropriate files and folders. A detailed print out and maybe a page on our own website that shows them there progress. As it is an introduction and we both don't having teaching qualifications there will be no qualifications or certificates at the end. (We both need to look into this a bit more).

Also looking to book a venue for my wedding next year finally I feel as though im getting some where well we both do seeing as we had to put it off due to financial restraints. 

Will fill you in tomorrow about anything thing else I get chance to get done!